June 2004
Executive Summary
Earth Design Consultants, Inc. has completed a Watershed Assessment of the Luckiamute, Ash Creek and American Bottom watersheds. The Luckiamute River enters the Willamette River at rm 108 and drains a 368 sq. mi watershed. Ownership in the basin is mostly private (88.6%); however, the Bureau of Land Management and the State own 4.3% and 6.8%, respectively (Wevers et al., 1992). The two primary land uses are agriculture and forestry. A variety of fish and wildlife live in and around the watershed including: winter steelhead; Oregon chub; sand roller; many non-native and released fish; black bear; black-tailed deer; Roosevelt elk; and cougar (Licata et al., 1998).
Early in 2003, the Luckiamute Watershed Council contracted Earth Design Consultants, Inc. to conduct an OWEB-type watershed assessment. The assessment procedure was modified to emphasize the watershed council’s interest in wildlife and terrestrial habitat.
Earth Design Consultants, Inc. is working closely with the members of the watershed council by attending monthly watershed council meetings and technical advisory committee meetings.