Your data your way

For the past 22 years, EDC, Inc. has supported organizations just like yours to develop spatial solutions to their natural resource management questions.

Earth Design Consultants, Inc. is offering a limited number of rolling-contracts that support a variety of your agency’s GIS needs.

As an affordable alternative to developing an in-house GIS department, EDC can help you plan, design and build reliable GIS datasets to reach YOUR natural resource management goals and maximize the value of your geospatial data investments.

We understand that you need access to Geographic Information Systems but do not always have the time, energy, or funding to hire high quality spatial analysts or to purchase GIS equipment.

We are offering three levels of assistance that allow us to work with you to find a plan that best fits your needs without overspending on a full-time GIS department.

Each of our plans offers exceptional service, discounted rates, and quick turnaround! Please contact us for more information!

Scalable Services

Depending on your needs, we can assist you with data creation, collection, or analysis.

Although we are not affiliated with any particular GIS software developer, we are available to answer your questions or help you complete your own data development or analysis.

We are experienced in spatial data collection and offer sub-meter GPS and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle data collection services.

We can train your team or provide these services for you (NOTE: additional fees may apply for equipment use).

Services Available

Image acquisition and classification

Introduction to GIS

Building geodatabases

Spatial analysis and map output services

Spatial data sourcing and dataset conversion

On-site training in client datasets

Off-site support for bottlenecks in GIS projects

Development of GIS tools and software coding

Geographic data capture services

Geo-referencing services

Spatial database design and integration

Change detection

Slope aspect analysis

Land cover classification

Coastal ecosystem management

Forestry mapping

Agricultural mapping

Environmental impact assessment mapping

Watershed management

Spatial modeling

We offer three pricing plans


16% Discounted Hourly Rate

Map Development

Statistical Summaries

Fast Product Turnaround

Prompt Cost Estimates

Email Support


25% Discounted Hourly Rate

In-house Spatial Data Audit and Analysis Recommendations

Online Showcase (Story Maps and Web Applications)

Data Distribution for Your Partners

Development of Data-Driven/ Interactive PDFs

Development of Presentation Products

Phone and Email Support (with 24hr response time)


36% Discounted Hourly Rate

Data Distribution for Partners and Stakeholders

Create Data Catalogs

Arc Online Support for Your Data

Applications and Custom Tool Development (Python and ArcPy)

Tailored Workshops/Trainings at Your Location